In a world of photoshop, the perfect image, the perfect social media life so many of us are striving for lives that may not even exist ….
Our teenagers, our next generation need to be given the tools to get through adulthood without that ache that is currently a world wide epidemic yes that’s right depression…. our kids are self harming, they are taking their lives before they even begin, they are starving themselves…. who cares if they passed maths and English if they aren’t happy!
If anyone out there is going through this you are not alone, we have had friends kids as young as 12 go through this and now there are places coming forward like ‘The Good Human Project’ that are wanting to get to our beautiful kids before it’s to late… thank you for people like this trying to make a difference!
You are all doing an amazing job out there so don’t be afraid to talk about the real stuff!
Love Nikki xxx